Photo of meeting of Turner & Associates

With a history of incident successful response to crisis incidents and a long background in risk and crisis communication management, our staff is prepared to have you ready before the incident occurs.

Risk & Crisis Communications

As part of our Emergency Incident Management work, we also provide risk and crisis communication training and exercise support to clients. Your response to Crisis Incidents can be severely hampered by poor or delayed communications. In protecting the interests of corporate clients, our associates will be part of your response program, or prepare your staff and executives to conduct the management of your crisis and risk response practices. This includes pre-incident threat assessment and developing appropriate message mapping as well as streamlining the communications plan for your entity. 

Image of high security lock on security gate
Image of security fence around parking structure

Facility Vulnerability Assessments

Our investigators, working closely with businesses, facility managers and property owners, can run site surveys and gap analysis reports assessing individual venue and facilities vulnerability. These outcomes shall be the risk assessment report inclusive of proposed mitigation and containing actions with corrective and protective measures against any residual risks. This includes challenges to intrusion, interior safety gap analysis, fire protection and evacuation issues, as well as compliance with local fire codes and applications. Our assessments include evaluation of the site to modern threats based on the type and profile of facility or business.

Interventions proposed can span from interventions to the building itself, including core facilities protection, to improving active and passive security systems, and may also include specific environmental and electronic monitoring of the whole Venue/facility to run the protection of sensitive areas.

Assessment includes utilizing hard and soft rings and perimeter monitoring measures for setting up the best in practice timely response to residual risks and foreseeable external threats.

We don’t end our relationship at the formal report. Our follow up to the list of improvement recommendations includes re-inspections to insure the work is completed appropriately. We also will design site specific emergency exercises to evaluate your current emergency procedures for identified risks. We will evaluate your policies or assist with a complete development of emergency procedures and staff training toward those procedures. Ongoing annual training programs, from simple annual training to regular exercises are also available.

Safety & Security Procedures Development

Image of security meeting for Turner Associates Investigation
Photo by Annie Spratt

Fire Investigations

Our on-scene analysis including origin and cause determination, interviews with key witnesses and fire officials. We also conduct extensive record searches, digital videography, evidence preservation and removal, all followed by thorough written reports.  

Our investigators have more than 30 years of experience in public safety. They have relationships with local and state fire agencies throughout Northern California.  And we maintain a high degree of thoroughness and independence that allows our private investigation to stand on its own merits.

Image of fireman inspecting fire damage
Photo by Denniz Futalan
Background screening Previous employment Criminal record Civil records Bankruptcy Liens and judgments, Turner & Associates Investigations Sacramento CA

Civil Trial Preparation and Support

Expert assistance in preparation for civil trials regarding fire incidents, hiring processes, and security industry practices. A file review thoroughly assesses any previous investigation for compliance with the current standards of practice and scientific methodology. 

Our investigators also conduct file reviews, which allow the client to determine if further fire investigation, code research, or other investigation is warranted.

Background Checks & Investigation

We conduct the following investigation services:

♦  Nationwide criminal history checks including physical record retrieval to verify online database checks

♦  Employment verification regarding a subjects work and volunteer history, experience and positions held previously

♦  Our Social media checks include digital metadata recording and storage when required

♦  Address history verification with neighborhood visits/checks and landlord references

♦  Education verification to confirm the subjects actual history at institutions and technical schools

Background Checks Investigation Sacramento CA - Turner & Associates

POST-Compliant Background Investigations. We also conduct sworn and non-sworn investigations for public agencies in compliance with Government Code 1031 and POST Commission Regulation 1953. These comprehensive background investigations of peace officers, public safety dispatchers and other non-sworn positions insure that candidates can be screened as to the attributes of moral character, maturity, integrity, and other relevant dimensions. All of these dimensions are weighed in relevance of how past behavior may affect the agencies job demands and requirements. 

Additional civil events, awards, achievements and recognitions are also verified to ensure a complete embodiment of the subject is as accurate as possible.

We do not rely on just running a database check and supplying that information as a comprehensive background check. Our staff utilizes numerous investigation database services and compiles only information pertinent and verified as accurate for our client’s business.

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